Supporting the Standards Pledge


The mission of the standards pledge is to demonstrate industry-wide support to streamline data collection and transmission of information in the surety industry.

Who should sign

Members of the surety underwriting supply chain, including contractors, accounting firms, bond agents, software providers and surety carriers.

How the information will be used

Names and/or logos of companies that have signed the pledge will be posted on a web page jointly hosted by NASBP and SFAA. The page and pledge may be promoted through traditional and social media outlets such as press releases, email newsletters, industry publications, Twitter and LinkedIn. In the event NASBP and SFAA want to use your name/logo elsewhere, you will be able to review and approve its use.

Signer obligation

By signing this document, you indicate your support for the standards initiative, and your willingness to investigate how you may be able to implement data standards within your own organization.

Signing the pledge/Obtaining further information

To obtain information or begin the simple process to sign onto the pledge, please complete and submit the contact form below.  Include the category that best describes your organization (accounting firm, software provider, surety, bond agent, other) in your message.


Standards pledge co-signers

Click to visit NASBPClick to visit SFAAACORDClick to visit xBRL US
Click to visit Liberty Mutual InsuranceClick to visit Scott InsuranceClick to visit AIGClick to visit The Hartford
Click to visit Marcum LLPClick to visit SuretyWaveVisit M.J. Schuetz Insurance AgencyClick to visit Travelers
Merchants Bonding CompanyNewton BondingKing NeelCrowe
Construction Risk PartnersClick to visit eSURETYClick to visit Murray Securus Construction Bonds, Inc.Click to visit Old Republic Surety
Click to Visit Tinubu Square

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